Training Disciplines

  • Basic Firearms

  • Advanced Firearms

  • Tactical Firearms

  • Concealed Carry

  • Youth Safety

  • Land Navigation

  • Survival Skills

  • Physical Fitness

Our Training Disciplines

We train you in multiple disciplines, not just firearms. In combat, we had to use more than firearms. Increase your chances to survive.

Basic Firearms
The basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a pistol, rifle, or shotgun safely.

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Advanced Firearms
Defensive shooting skills, strategies for home safety and responding to a violent confrontation, firearms and the law, and how to choose a firearm for self-defense.

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Tactical Training
Teaching breaching, CQM, CQB, MOUT, advanced marksmanship, vehicle tactics, IED awareness, sniper & observation, tactical medical & combat casualty care

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Concealed Carry
THE course necessary to legally carry a handgun or other weapon, in public, in a concealed manner. Permitting over 30 states.

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Youth Classes
Teaching pre-K through 6th grade kids what to do if they come across a gun and older kids how to properly handle guns. Mentoring high schoolers considering military service.

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Land Navigation
Learn to navigate using any type of map, with or without a compass, or with the latest GPS equipment.

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Survival Skills
Your chance to attend a SERE course. How to survive in different climates & conditions, evade bad guys, escape harrowing situations.

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Physical Fitness
Fitness is crucial to real-world marksmanship. Get pumped with our true-to-life boot camps.

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